CASE FILE 29 - Draycott Probe ?

On Monday 20th January 1992, James Sinclair claims he saw a small pulsating red ball of light, about the size of a football, fly low over Draycott Derbyshire.

The light was approximately 200ft high, and passed Mr Sinclair within 150 yards. The Ball approached him in a zig-zag manner, then flew straight for a short while and then continued on itÆs zig-zag course. It travelled at about 15-20 mph and was silent. He rejects any theory that it could have been a conventional aircraft or balloon.

Two Days later he saw tha same object but on a different trajectory, but crossing the path of his previous sighting, at a point around Ambaston Grange, which is between Draycott and Shardlow in Derbyshire.

EMUFORA also received another report similar to this, but over Bar Lane and Melbourne Road in Nottingham on 4th February.

These three sightings led me to write to the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire constabulary, to ask if they use R.P.Vs (Remote Pilotless Vehicles) They assured me that they donÆt.

Eddie Fell, EMUFORAÆs investigator on this case, works with Mr Sinclair, and states the witness is very interested in the UFO subject. He also believes Mr Sinclair would not fabricate the story of his two sightings.

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